In November 2013, Google Plus launched its latest change and just recently, in January 2014, Twitter changed the design of the users’ homepage. Even, at this exact moment, they’re preparing a new surprise for us all. So, this infographicthat’s been so helpful for all of us, isn’t really going to be that useful anymore.
The goal of this article isn’t only to present you with cold hard data about social media image dimensions, but to also give you practical advice to optimize your brand strategy, and improve its image throughout different social networks.Competition on social networks is fierce, so you can’t afford to waste opportunities to attract new audiences. Users are constantly exposed to tons of information, which is why the first impression of a brand must be powerful and convincing in a matter of seconds. If you want to avoid the mistakes all companies talk about on social networks don’t miss this article.
Now, I’m gonna share some information with you that I’ve been gathering on the sizes and dimensions of pictures for different social networks as of April 2014.That way we can complement the information on the infographics that are still valid.
1- Twitter’s cover dimensions – Updated April 2014 – (+tips!)
The new Twitter has arrived!!
On April 22, 2014 this popular social network rolled out its new web profile experience to users all around the world. It’s appearance has radically changed: we’re talking about real changes that are far from the original structure. Twitter has swapped the aspects that made it so unique for some that make it actually very (VERY) similar to Facebook.
So, what do you guys think?
The reason for these changes, and other changes that they made in 2013, is to give much more importance to pictures and buttons. Why? In order to give users a similar experience to the one they have on their mobile devices. Precisely, in May 2013, Twitter also optimized the navigation for Android and iOS devices which resulted in it being simpler to see, share, and tweet.
Here we go, the dimensions of Twitter’s cover: (Updated April 2014!)
The new Twitter is now available for all users. If you haven’t gotten it yet, you can find it here.
Now if you are particular about how you present yourself online, then please discover the major channels ( Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Vimeo, Youtube, etc) the latest changes like dimension and others; please visit for all the major social media platforms information with short and sweet details. It is by far one of the best put well together by Josefina Casas.
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